The Vermont Fuel Dealers Association (VFDA) is a trade organization providing legislative advocacy, regulatory assistance and technical training for retail fuel and energy service businesses. Download a membership enrollment form here.

STRENGTH OF MEMBERSHIP   VFDA is recognized by lawmakers, regulators, the public, and the media as the authority on  fuel issues in Vermont.  Our members provide heating fuel or heating service to 3 out of every 4 homes in Vermont.

STAY INFORMED  The  Fuel Line Newsletter is distributed by email and fax to more than 1000 heating industry professionals every Friday morning. It provides practical, up-to-the minute information that members depend on to run their businesses.

ONLINE   Vermonters find answers about fuel at vermontfuel.com. More than 750 visitors check out the VFDA website every month.  Members that sell fuel and/or provide heating service can be found at vermontfuel.com/find.

REGULATORY ASSISTANCE    VFDA members find vital information about taxes, pre-buy contracts, fuel assistance, propane laws, tank rules and other regulatory assistance documents on our Keys to Compliance website: vtkeys.com. VFDA members belong to the Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA), a federation of trade associations representing more than 8000 small businesses. PMAA provides critical representation in Washington, D.C. along with information on federal regulatory issues.

TESTING SERVICES  If you have a CDL or employ someone who does, you must be in a drug and alcohol testing program. The VFDA program will keep you in compliance with federal and state laws. Click here for details.  

TRAINING   Members receive significant discounts on training for heating technicians. VFDA's training programs are recognized nationally and required for heating technicians in Vermont.  Click here for more information.

EVENTS   VFDA meetings and conferences provide an opportunity for members to network.  The Vermont Fuel Conference in May is a great opportunity to relax after a long winter, reconnect with old friends, and gain valuable insight into the next heating season. The trade show features some of the most innovative products on the market for the oilheat and propane industry.