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It is required that all bulk fuel deliveries shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket. It is also a reasonable expectation between the buyer and the seller to receive a delivery ticket at the time of delivery. The customer may choose to have the ticket received another way, but dealers are required to provide the delivery ticket at the time of delivery unless the customer chooses otherwise. Any change in delivery of the ticket should be  prompted by a specific request by the customer and not the fuel company.

In addition to VT Weights & Measures Law,  VT also adopts NIST HB 44.  One of the user requirements is stated below which also restates VT Law:

UR.2.2.     Ticket Printer, Customer Ticket. – Vehicle-Mounted metering systems shall be equipped with a ticket printer which shall be used for all sales where product is delivered through the meter.  A copy of the ticket issued by the device shall be left with the customer at the time of delivery or as otherwise specified by the customer.

A different method and time for delivery of the ticket may be done if it is specifically requested by the customer.  By policy,  our section will allow this by e-mail if that is what is requested by the customer.  This method should be infrequent and the physical leaving of delivery tickets must be done unless that specific customer request is made.